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边界层参数化方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着数值预报模式分辨率的提高,当模式网格距与含能湍涡的长度尺度相当时,模式动力过程可解析一部分湍流运动,而剩余的湍流运动仍需参数化,此时便产生了湍流参数化的“灰色区域”问题。对传统的PBL(Planetary Boundary Layer)方案在“灰色区域”下的适用性评估,是改进PBL方案以使其能够适应分辨率变化的前提和基础。本研究基于干对流边界层的大涡模拟试验,比较了WRF(Weather Research and Forecast Model)模式中四种常用的边界层参数化方案[YSU(Yonsei University)、MYJ(Mellor-Yamada-Janjic)、MYNN2.5(Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino Level 2.5)、MYNN3)]在“灰色区域”尺度下的表现。研究表明,混合层内总热通量对所使用的参数化方案和水平分辨率均不敏感。不同参数化方案中次网格与网格通量的比例表现出对水平网格距不同的依赖性。局地PBL方案(MYJ、MYNN2.5)在混合层内的平均位温随网格距减小而增大,次网格通量随网格距减小而减小,较参考湍流场对次网格通量有所低估。YSU方案的非局地项几乎不随水平格距改变而变化,对次网格通量的表征并未表现出较强的分辨率依赖性,且过强的非局地次网格输送使混合层内温度层结呈弱稳定,抑制了可分辨湍流输送,不易于激发次级环流。MYNN3方案的非局地次网格通量(负梯度输送项)随网格距减小而减小,使其对次网格通量的表征具有较好的分辨率依赖性。PBL方案在“灰色区域”尺度下的适用性与具体分辨率有关。以分辨率500 m为例,四种PBL方案中不存在一种最佳方案,能对边界层的热力结构和湍流统计特征均有准确的描述。  相似文献   
The relationship of surface albedo with the solar altitude angle and soil moisture is analyzed based on two-year (January 2002 to December 2003) observational data from the AWS (Automatic Weather Station) at MS3478 in the northern Tibetan Plateau during the experimental period of CEOP/CAMP-Tibet (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period Asia-Australia Monsoon Project on the Tibetan Plateau). As a double-variable (solar altitude angle and soil moisture) function, surface albedo varies inconspicuously with any single factor. By using the method of approximately separating the double-variable function into two, one-factor functions (product and addition), the relationship of albedo with these two factors presents much better. The product and additional empirical formulae of albedo are then preliminarily fitted based on long-term experimental data. By comparison with observed values, it is found that the parameterization formulae fitted by using observational data are mostly reliable and their correlation coefficients are both over 0.6. The empirical formulae of albedo though, for the northern Tibetan Plateau, need to be tested by much more representative observational data with the help of numerical models and the retrieval of remote sensing data. It is practical until it is changed into effective parameterization formulae representing a grid scale in models.  相似文献   
The parameterization of friction velocity, roughness length, and the drag coefficient over coastal zones and open water surfaces enables us to better understand the physical processes of air-water interaction. In context of measurements from the Humidity Exchange over the Sea Main Experiment (HEXMAX), we recently proposed wave-parameter dependent approaches to sea surface friction velocity and the aerodynamic roughness by using the dimensional analysis method. To extend the application of these approaches to a range of natural surface conditions, the present study is to assess this approach by using both coastal shallow (RASEX) and open water surface measurements (Lake Ontario and Grand Banks ERS-1 SAR) where wind speeds were greater than 6.44 m s-1. Friction velocities, the surface aerodynamic roughness, and the neutral drag coefficient estimated by these approaches under moderate wind conditions were compared with the measurements mentioned above. Results showed that the coefficients in these approaches for coastal shallow water surface differ from those for open water surfaces, and that the aerodynamic roughness length in terms of wave age or significant wave height should be treated differently for coastal shallow and open water surfaces.  相似文献   
辐射和积云对流过程对大气辐射通量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的全球大气环流谱模式(SAMIL-R42L26),研究了澳大利亚气象局研究中心(BMRC)新辐射方案和新Zhang-McFaflane积云对流方案对大气辐射通量模拟的影响.新辐射方案相比原辐射方案在辐射计算光谱分辨率、气体吸收和计算效率等方面作了很多改进,其对大气辐射通量的模拟能力相应提高.在晴空条件下,大气顶出射长波、大气吸收短波和地表入射短波等与观测的偏差较原辐射方案明显减小,尤其是在对流活跃区域.在云天条件下大气辐射通量与观测的偏差也较原辐射方案减小,但其偏差依然较大,这与模式中积云对流参数化方案模拟能力不足引起的辐射通量偏差有关.为此,换用了新Zhang-McFarlane积云对流方案,其结果表明,对流活跃区水汽含量显著增加,原对流方案中偏强的"双赤道辐合带"现象明显减弱,赤道辐合带地区的大气辐射通量偏差有明显减小,在海洋地区晴空大气顶出射长波和地表入射短波的量值及空间分布均接近观测结果,同时大气顶全球平均能量收支的年变化和观测结果趋于一致,其中模拟的伞球年平均大气顶能量收支和观测的偏差不到0.6 W/m2.试验结果同时表明,在未来研究中引入气溶胶分布、调整相关的云物理和陆面过程等物理参数化方案是进一步提高SAMIL-R42L26辐射通最模拟性能的关键.  相似文献   
CAM3模式海气湍流通量参数化的改进及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对流性阵风参数化方法,在CAM3原有海气湍流通量参数化方案(CAM3方案)中引入边界层自由对流和降水深对流对海表湍流通量的贡献,改进了CAM3模式的海气湍流通量参数化方案(CAM3 ME方案).在此基础上,利用观测海温积分改进的CAM3模式,分析改进模式对冬(DJF)、夏季(JJA)大气环流异常的模拟性能.结果表明,采用改进的海气湍流通量参数化方案,模式对冬(DJF)、夏季(JJA)大气环流异常年际变化的模拟能力有了很大提高,尤其是冬季(DJF)北太平洋和北美大陆地区以及夏季(JJA)南半球海洋上空.  相似文献   
针对中国业务中期数值预报模式T213对中雨量级以上的降水预报空报比较明显的问题,文中对此模式预报的降水进行了诊断分析。发现T213模式预报的总降水分布主要是由可分辨尺度降水决定的,且在降水偏多最明显的地区,可分辨尺度的降水即超过或达到了观测的总降水,表明降水空报的主要原因在于可分辨尺度降水偏多。可分辨尺度降水偏多的可能原因有:土壤湿度初始化、云变量的初始化和直接产生降水的云与对流参数化方案存在一定的缺陷。鉴于前两者是目前国际上的难点,文中针对第3个方面的可能原因进行了分析和相应的改进。包括在对流方案之前增加一次云方案的调用;对流参数化方案的闭合由“动力型”改为对流有效位能调整闭合;更复杂的对流触发机制;改进冰沉降和降水通量计算。改进的主要目的是使对流参数化方案更活跃,从而减少格点尺度对流的发生。采用改进的方案,进行了敏感性试验和2005年夏季的连续滚动同化预报试验,并与中国区域400个标准站的降水观测和GPCP的全球降水观测进行了比较。结果表明,改进的方案无论是对中国区域还是全球夏季平均的降水分布预报都好于业务,但四川省和赤道东太平洋降水偏多的问题依然存在。中国区域的降水统计检验还表明,除小雨外,其他量级在大部分时效上降水的TS评分增加,预报偏差降低。  相似文献   
利用GRAPES—meso模式和T213资料,对2007年7月18日发生在我国四川盆地和华东地区一次大暴雨过程进行多组数值试验,以分析侧边界资料、驱动资料的垂直分辨率、模式积分区域、云物理参数及边界参数对GRAPES—nleso模式降水预报影响。试验结果表明:(1)侧边界资料对模式降水预报结果影响较小,驱动GRAPES—meso的全球模式产品质量提高,降水预报结果越好;(2)驱动资料垂直分辨率的高低对降水预报结果影响较大,分辨率越高,预报能力越强,反之越弱;(3)模式积分区域对降水预报结果也有明显影响,区域越大,降水预报未必总是最好;(4)物理过程和边界参数试验表明,WSM6方案与KFeta方案组合的24小时降水预报与实况更接近。  相似文献   
利用美国国家环境预测中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)和国家大气研究中心(NCAR)联合研发的天气研究和预报模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model,WRF),研究了不同积云对流参数化方案和微物理过程方案对0514号台风"彩蝶"路径的影响.结果表明,积云对流参数化方案对台风路径影响较大,KF方案比BM方案能更好地模拟出台风路径;使用KF方案时,选择微物理方案比不选微物理方案对于台风路径有更好的模拟结果,其中,Ferrier、WSM6和Lin非常接近于实况;KF方案较好地模拟出副热带高压(简称副高)的西伸和东退的变化以及台风环流的风场分布和强度.  相似文献   
暴雨模拟中积云对流参数化方案的对比试验   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
利用WRF中尺度数值预报模式,选用七种微物理方案及网格嵌套技术分别与Kain-Fritsch(new Eta)、Betts-Miller-Janjic、Grell-Devenyi(简称KF、BMJ、GD方案)三种积云对流参数方案匹配,对2007年6月1—2日湖南南部的暴雨过程进行了模拟试验。模拟结果表明:选用Lin等微物理方案和三种积云方案,采用20 km的格点分辨率,基本上可以模拟这场暴雨的范围,且采用网格嵌套技术的模拟结果优于未采用嵌套的模拟结果;其中KF方案模拟的强降水位置、强度与实况比较接近;BMJ方案模拟的强降水范围偏大、强度偏强,位置偏南,上述两种方案都不同程度地存在着虚假的暴雨中心;GD方案模拟的强降水范围、强度均偏小。  相似文献   
The mei-yu front heavy rainstorms occurred over Nanjing on 3 5 and 8 9 July 2003 and were simulated in this paper using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRFv3.1) with various mesoscale convection parameterization schemes (MCPSs). The simulations show that the temporal and spatial evolution and distribution of rainstorms can be modeled; however, there was incongruity between the comparative simulations of four different MCPSs and the observed data. These disparities were exhibited in the simulations of both the 24-hour surface rainfall total and the hourly precipitation rate. Further analysis revealed that the discrepancies of vertical velocity and the convective vorticity vector (CVV) between the four simulations were attributed to the deviation of rainfall values. In addition, the simulations show that the mid-scale convection, particularly the mesoscale convection system (MCS) formation, can be well simulated with the proper mesoscale convection parameterization schemes and may be a crucial factor of the mei-yu front heavy rainstorm. These results suggest that, in an effort to enhance simulation and prediction of heavy rainfall and rainstorms, subsequent studies should focus on the development and improvement of MCPS.  相似文献   
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